VR Management Lists

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One-click Notes


Configure a custom list of frequently used notes for each of your client groups: owners, guests, and vendors.  Click on a One-click note to quickly add it to an individual owner, guest, or vendor's online profile notes.


To add a One-click Note (Figure 11):


1.Select a profile Category from the drop down list - Owner, guest, Vendor
2.Enter a Short Name for the note - the Short Name will be displayed in the drop down list.
3.Enter the Description. The Description will be the full note that will be added to the client's online profile when the Short Name is clicked.


Click on the "Delete Entire List" link to clear all of the one-click notes.  Proceed with caution - all of the notes will be cleared.


Transaction Codes:


In this version of the Control Panel, the system uses the Promas Transaction Codes to assign some “extra charges” to reservation.



Figure 11