Quick Cost Lookup

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The Quick Cost Lookup begins by displaying the rate table as defined in the VR Listings program for the unit (Figure 50d). This is displayed as the option to show rates may not have been selected in the search criteria.



figure 50d

Figure 50d


To continue, click the “Quick Cost Lookup” Button and the following screen will display (Figure 50e).



   figure 50e

Figure 50e



After the dates for the inquiry, the discount rate and the number of guests have been input, click the “Continue” button. The rent rate for the specified time period, the security deposit and the tax will be calculated and totaled  (Figure 50f).  The user may revise the information used to generate the results (add more days, or another guest, etc), or close the display. There is also a message indicating that there may be other costs associated with this reservation. These may include items such as cleaning fees, application or association fees, processing fees, Extras, etc,  but are not included in the Quick Cost Lookup.



figure 50f

Figure 50f