Check In/Check Out Overivew

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This report displays an overview of check in and check out activity over a specified period of time. It may be run for a period in the future or for a time period in the past history (Figure 56a). The default dates for this report are from the current date to a week forward from the current date.



figure 56a

Figure 56a



Click on the “Select / Change dates” button to view the report (Figure 56b). Arrivals will display at the top of the report with the date column shaded in purple. Departures will display at the bottom of the report with the date column shaded in green. The Class/Confirmation column shows the present listing status, the Guest Class, the confirmation number which is interactive and links to the reservation, and the departure or appropriately the arrival date. The next columns show the unit status, and the guest status. The Property column displays an icon to view the listing in Control Panel Mode, the Alternate ID, the key number and phone number of the unit, and the property address. Any amounts due show in the Due column highlighted in yellow.  Any Owner reservations are shown in blue.



  figure 56b

Figure 56b