Reservation Lookup |
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The Reservation Lookup section is where the user will find all existing reservations. (Figure 38a) These include reservations that you create, reservations created by owners through their secure portal, reservations made by guests through the website, and reservations made by others in your Booking Group.
Figure 38a
There are several options available to find a specific reservation or a list of reservations that meet the same criteria. If the confirmation number is known, that may be entered to find the reservation. You may also search by the Guests name, the Owners name, or the Property for which the reservation has been made. These three options have two choices. You can enter the alternate ID (PROMAS ID) in the first box, or select the choice from the drop down menu to the right. You may search for all reservations with the same Status, or by reservations made by a specific user. Inactive reservation agents are shown in blue on this chart. Lastly, you may search for all reservations arriving between a specific date range. It is useful to add combinations of the known information to find a reservation. For example a search for a guest name of Smith, who is a confirmed guest, arriving on a known date will narrow the results from all guests named Smith. Only current and future reservations are displayed unless the specific Status desired is selected to exclude others or the box to include Canceled, Concluded, and Completed Reservations is checked. This option allows the user to find all reservations past, present, and future for a specific guest or property. If the license is part of a booking group, the report format box will let the user find reservations she or he has made in another license (Figure 38b).
Figure 38b
When the desired search criteria is entered, click on the “Find Reservations” button in the lower right side of the screen. A list of matching reservations will display as shown in Figure 38c.
Figure 38c
The black header bar across the top of the Reservation Look up display contains Status, Delete, Workorders, Process, Conf / Guest, Property, Arrive / Depart, Amount / Paid, Due, and Warnings if there are any to display.