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The “Due” column displays the payment schedule for the reservation. There are two types of warnings associated with the payment schedule. One is a yellow triangle. (Figure 47a). This warning indicates the amounts paid and the amounts shown in the payment schedule, do not add to the total reservation amount. The other warning is a red triangle (similar to the yellow one) that indicates the guest still has money due in the payment schedule, but appears to not owe any money.



figure 47a

Figure 47a



To correct either of these situations, click on the triangle, The following screen will appear. (Figure 47b) In this example, the reservation amount is $1605.09, the amount paid is 0, and the payment schedule incorrectly shows only $500 due. The comparison tells the user to add $1105.09 to the payment schedule.



figure 47b

Figure 47b



To add the necessary payment due, the user may either increase the $500 payment shown by clicking the icon next to that payment to adjust it, or by clicking the add a payment icon next to “Payment Schedule”. For  this example, the second choice to add another payment was chosen. (Figure 47c).



figure 47c

Figure 47c



After the amount was entered, the add button clicked, and the red shield was clicked, the shield will turn green to indicate that the scheduled payments equal the amount due. The warning triangles will no longer be present in the Reservation Lookup search results (Figure 47d).



figure 47d

Figure 47d