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This section displays all existing Notices and Letters involved with the reservation, and the user may create new letters here. These letters are created from templates which are made in the VR Preferences section of the Configuration module. As the reservation is processed through the system, the user will be prompted to create the appropriate letter. (Figure 42a) Letters can then be attached to a reservation and emailed, faxed, mailed, or otherwise delivered to a guest.
Figure 42a
Click on the blue link “Click here to create a Payment Letter for this Guest” and the letter template will appear (Figure 42b).
Figure 42b
The letters created with a reservation can be completely edited at that time. After the letter has been reviewed and edited for this specific guest / payment, click on the “Save Notice” button at the bottom of the screen. The user will be returned to the Docs display. (Figure 42c) The documents that have already been created for the reservation appear in a summary format list.
Figure 42c
From this screen the user may delete the document if it needs to be replaced by another updated version, Edit Information about the document (not the document itself), View/Print, (Figure 42c) or Email it (Figure 42e). A new document may also be created from this screen. Documents that can still be created appear in the drop down menu at the bottom right of the display. Once a document is created, it does not allow for changes to be made. This safeguard is in place to prevent possible confusion with the guest having a different version of the letter than the property manager, and the owner having a different version still.
View/Print will open up a new browser window. The view may not appear as the printed version will, based on the size of the window that has opened. To print a copy, use File > Print in the browser menu or click the printer icon on the toolbar. To have the printed version print properly, the user may need to modify the Page Setup in the browser as shown in Figure 42d. This would have to be done one time for each computer used to print reservation documents.
Figure 42d
To email the document, click the Email icon. The guests' email address will populate from the guests' profile if it was entered. The email address may be changed to any other address and the user may also send a CC to a second address. Many agents email themselves a CC to have a copy of exactly what the guest received and to know that it was delivered through the email system.
Figure 42e